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Dec 15, 2020

In today’s podcast I want to talk about how to embrace weight gain and your changing body during recovery from disordered eating, an eating disorder or hypothalamic amenorrhea.

You might also experience some body changes if you are giving up extreme dieting and working towards a more intuitive approach to eating that honours your body’s natural weight, in which case, this episode will help you too.

In this podcast I share:

  • My lapse 4 years ago which led me to needing to gain weight again to recover physically, mentally and emotionally from a very tough year
  • Is weight gain harder after a lapse or relapse? My own personal experience with this.
  • 10 mindset and behavioural shift to help you embrace weight gain
  • The best mantras to repeat to yourself to help you on bad body image days

❤️ Next round for Healing Hypothalamic Amenorrhea (my hybrid 1:1 and group coaching program to regain your period) opens for enrolment on January 4th 2021! Add your name to the wait list here:

❤️ To work with me to regain your period while improving your relationship with food and exercise, head to or send me a DM on Instagram @sarahlizking

❤️ If you enjoyed this episode please leave a 5⭐️ review and share a screenshot on Instagram by tagging myself @sarahlizking and I'll be sure to reshare.