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Sep 24, 2020

Today I’m joined by Kathleen Alleaume, founder of The Right Balance, and internationally acclaimed specialist in nutrition and fitness. With a degree in Exercise Science and a Masters in Nutrition, Kathleen has spent over twenty years ago helping women, men and children to overcome their health or performance issues...

Sep 22, 2020

Today’s podcast topic is about mental hunger, which in its simplest form is the concept of constantly thinking about food.

This experience is something that regularly comes up for people who are going through recovery from disordered eating, an eating disorder, or hypothalamic amenorrhea as well as those who've...

Sep 17, 2020

Today I’m joined by Lucy McConnell, a dietitian in the making, wine lover and decadent cheese board creator with a passion for healthy living.

Her love for working out and eating well started innocently like it does for many women, but over time spiralled to a place where her body no longer felt safe and she lost her...

Sep 15, 2020

Today’s podcast is less science, and more questions of the heart as I answer the question “Should you date during recovery?”

I think this applies to any kind of recovery from a mental health issue such as an eating disorder, depression, anxiety, or a physical health issue like hypothalamic amenorrhea or even...

Sep 10, 2020

Today I’m joined by Stan Dutton, an unapologetic dog dad, frozen pizza connoisseur, and life-long learner with over 10 years of experience in the fitness industry.

He’s built multiple businesses, at 22 he was the owner of a 2,000 square foot training facility valued at over $1,000,000 within just 4 years - after...